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A Note From Chris Munch – CEO, And Founder Of The Asigo System:
Did you ever feel like you *just* missed the boat?
Because a lot of people put time and effort into their business – but never get the results they hoped for...
I know it's frowned upon to say it's ever about 'luck'.
And sure, it's mostly about hard work and dedication
But sometimes... it's also a little about luck.
Sometimes it's about being in the right place at the right time.
Sometimes it's about being among the first.
I got lucky about 5 years ago when I spotted the next big Mega-Trend.
I worked every spare minute I could to make sure I could capitalize on it when it hit.
Now the time has come... and I'm going to share it with you.
So on this page, you’re going to see something different…
Look, I understand the need for a bit of flash when you’re selling something.
But times are changing and I feel it's more important now, than ever, to be realistic.
So you're not going to see me showing off a rented Lamborghini or a Jungle Mansion I found on Airbnb.
Even though some might say, I now run a very successful business... I drive a Toyota Avensis.
Why? Because I have kids… and that car has a really high safety rating.
And that's more important to me than flash.
Here's the thing...
I live on a Mediterranean island now, but I grew up in North Wales.
My apartment is nice, but it's no mansion.
I get to travel when I want and set my own schedule, but I still work hard.
I spend a lot of time with my kids and I love watching them grow.
I have the peace of mind knowing I've secured a bright future for them.
And I sleep easy at night knowing my family is safe and secure.
Unpaid bills, mounting debts and a crippling mortgage are all distant memories.
All because I dedicate myself to a proven business model in an exploding industry.
And while it still takes work, just remember...
If you could put a similar effort into something that directly provided wealth, peace and security for you and your family instead... would you consider it? Here's a quick introduction, before we continue...
Chris Munch – I started my online business 10+ years ago, in an overcrowded shared house at university, putting in 12+ hour days, surviving on instant noodles.
I eventually made my first $100,000+/yr with a method forming the basis of everything I do today… plus the 100,000+ people we’ve helped in their own businesses ever since.
Today I’m running an influencial software company, built around the methods I used back then. They work just as well today (and will KEEP working for as long as people are people).
I don’t rely on fads, tricks or loopholes – just proven methods, powerful systems and the right tools.
Jay Cruiz – Was stuck in a mind-numbing office job around the time we met.
Like so many others, he was looking for an escape… he wanted freedom and opportunity... to look after his family... he added a powerful ‘missing ingredient’ to the business.
Soon after Jay came on board, we became the fastest growing company in our industry.
Jay now heads up our team in London, UK – where he’s helping others grow the same way, each day.
It's our mission to help you build a real business that'll last the test of time.
Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the economy.
Whatever your "Reason Why" is for starting a business or online venture, we're going to help you achieve it.
And you'll be among the first to profit in an exploding new industry...
Think about any business you've tried in the past and score it against the 7 Proven Laws below.
Read these carefully now…
… Go ‘With’ The Tide And Your Profits Rise Easier
… So You Can Keep Getting Paid For Sales You Only Make Once
… Or You'll Keep Starting Again From Scratch When They Close
… Focus On High-Value Activities And Let Machines Do The Rest
… Making 10-20x More Profit Doesn’t Take Much Extra Effort
… A Saturated Market Means Lower Profits & Slower Growth
… Fast Results Increase The Chance You Stick To It Long Term!
Most businesses fall down in at least one of these areas.
But the business you're about to discover scores a perfect 100%.
And Now Is The Perfect Time...
For a decade or so, eCommerce & Affiliate Marketing formed the backbone of online business.
They're still great business models – that's why they're so popular!
But it also means competition is increasing and profits are getting tighter.
It's also harder than ever to know who to trust.
If you follow smart people who really know what they're doing and put in the effort – you can still do very well.
If you get unlucky following some fake guru shooting from an "exotic location" faking their sales figures...
... it won't really matter how much effort you put in.
You'll get stomped by someone with real knowledge and proven systems.
The easy profits are gone and the smart people who got in 5-10 years ago are making the most money.
But There Is Now A Rising Alternative...
And it gets better!
We found a way to take the best parts of these great business models and remove the biggest challenges.
So what is this brand new Mega-Trend...?
Think about how Netflix delivers TV & Movies digitally, without any physical cases being shipped (anymore!)
Or how Dropbox provides storage for files, without a physical disk drive.
Or how Google & Facebook provide advertising, without having anything in physical print.
"eServices" has been around for a few years but it's only now EXPLODING as an industry.
Even the world’s #1 eCommerce giant AMAZON is getting in on eServices!
In fact, it’s the only thing keeping them afloat...
eCommerce isn’t going anywhere fast but that doesn’t mean it’s the best place to focus.
This is about getting the BIGGEST RETURN with the LEAST EFFORT.
And the ONLY way to do that is by getting into a mega-trend that’s rising faster every year.
You don’t want to get in at the top.
You want to get in on the ground floor.
If Amazon is shifting focus, perhaps you should too?
And it’s not just Amazon...
Amazing new eServices are being launched every single day!
And while that's interesting – what we're talking about is MUCH more exciting...
Because while eServices can be super lucrative – they are difficult, expensive and risky to build.
That's Why We Developed A Complete System For "Dropshipping eServices" Instead...
All the usual barriers to entry disappear in the "Dropshipping eServices" model.
The competition is kept out because we keep these developments exclusive to our Asigo partners.
Free of all the usual challenges, you're able to focus on growing your business.
So Now You Know The Industry & Exploding New Mega-Trend – How & Where Do You Start Making Sales?
We aren't going to show you "Live" inside our eStore and it's automated sales funnel.
That's an advantage held exclusively for our Asigo partners who will CLONE it for themselves.
We can tell you though, the past 5+ years and over $1,000,000+ were spent developing this system.
We crowdsourced and innovated the best methods and automated everything we could.
So all you'd have to do to start your very own eService Dropshipping business today is CLONE it.
Then You Can Join Some Of Our Early Test Students Who Saw Success Fast...
You may have noticed one small issue.
If you don't rely on Paid Ads or wait for 'Slow' Traffic methods to work...
... how do you get Visitors to your eService Dropshipping store?
It's Simple – You Activate The "Aim & Fire" Traffic Engine Built Into Your eStore...
To make sales your eStore needs traffic.
But if you don't want to use Paid Ad platforms like Facebook, Google or YouTube...
And if you don't feel like waiting for SEO or Content Marketing to kick in...
Then activate the "Aim & Fire" Traffic System to attract pre-qualified visitors to your eStore like clockwork.
With Traffic Generation Taken Care Of...
Our students were almost ready to start their own successful $2,079+/wk "eService Dropshipping" businesses.
Just one final question needs answering...
... exactly which eService should your eStore sell?
There are thousands of eServices you could sell, but we're going to show you how to get started with the best.
You can dropship the #1 most profitable eService available today – even under your very own brand!
AmpiFire™ was perfectly designed for YOU to dropship through your eStore at a massive profit.
The eService gets delivered automatically, you just focus on making sales and getting paid.
The eService is so valuable to its buyers Fewer Than 23 Sales produces $2,079+/wk in recurring profits for us!
It's up to you how far your take this...
But even ONE sale can be worth $1,000's as you keep getting paid month after month without any extra effort.
And with brands like Forbes already talking about AmpiFire™...
So with the method, model, platform, traffic and even the eService itself "Done For You" and automated...
You May Be Wondering... What's Left For YOU To Do?
If you were thinking it seems 'too easy' – I'd say your head's in the right place and this was built for you.
Nobody is going to just HAND YOU a 6+ figure business!
There are some important tasks you must do.
Your role is to take this proven method and 'follow the plan'.
The difference is; while it doesn't require any special skill or past experience...
These tasks are extremely high value and high impact!
Which means EVERY SECOND you put into this, has a direct effect on your profitability.
Take A Look At Our Simple (Yet Powerful) $2,079+/wk Daily Routine...
How do we know?
Because we work closely every day with over 10,000+ entrepreneurs from all walks of life.
Of those who've tried our method we've seen success from all over the globe.
Even doing it the hard, manual way - which is now automated!
Non-native english speakers, single mothers, college students and retirees... everyone!
The one thing they ALL had in common was – they knew their "Reason Why".
Perhaps you can relate...
Marvin knew his most powerful "Reason Why": to protect and provide for his wife and family. As a father to two small children, Marvin faced huge obstacles.
He was unemployed; without any money to pay for marketing or advertising.
He spoke French as a first language; English was his second.
He lived in the Caribbean; he could not easily reach out to people or connect.
Marvin used The Asigo System to dropship his first eService and get paid $2,000/mo with even more to come...
... just listen to this!
So what’s the next step?
How do you take this journey?
And would it feel better to have a partner alongside you, who's walked this path before?
Well... You've Finally Arrived.
Discover ALL the secrets to launching and running a successful eService Dropshipping eStore with the "Founding Fathers" of eService Dropshipping.
8 Weeks Of Live Digital Training To Rapidly Build Your Own Successful eService Dropshipping Business!
Your investment here is 100% risk-free. If for whatever reason (or no reason at all) you decide “The Asigo System” isn’t for you… as long as it’s within 60 days of your initial payment, we’ll refund 100% of your money back.
That’s more than enough time for your Asigo eStore to make its first high-ticket recurring sales… which ALONE should return on your investment many times over.
And There’s More...
Since “The Asigo System 7-Figure Training” will be digitally recorded – you have nothing to return or ‘send back’… and we’ll let you keep it.
That means, if you decide The Asigo System isn’t the very best solution for you – you can take all the principles you get from the training and create your own version of ‘Asigo’ without us.
So the risk really is 100% on us. Weigh up your options...
Best Case Scenario – You finally get a business fuelling the life of your dreams.
Worst Case Scenario – You get your money back and a $4,997 training course.
The Only Risk You Take Right Now is choosing to ignore what’s right here in front of you JUST as something HUGE is taking place. Passing on an opportunity that only comes around once maybe every 10 years. Forgetting your "if only" moments. Choosing to let others take the advantage, instead of you. Allowing things to stay the same... and forcing your dreams to stay dreams.
The Alternative? Take Action Now & Partner With The 8-figure Company Leading The Charge In The eServices Industry… And Let's Build Your Business Together.
(Most People Take This Option)
One payment today, and the remaining 3 payments made in 30 day intervals.
If the recent crisis proved anything, it’s how the unexpected can happen at any time.
People stay stuck in jobs that don't fulfill them, but instead steal time away from their families, stopping them living the life they want – and becoming the kind of person they want.
They do it for safety, for security... but it’s only as safe and secure as the business you work for and that's completely outside your control.
The Asigo System is your own proven business, under your control.
The risk factors are minimal; no inventory, no suppliers, no shipping, no physical goods.
The security factors are high; stackable, scalable profits on high-ticket, high-demand eServices that can pay you every month, for sales you only had to make once.
You can create security, wealth and a brighter future for everyone you care about.
You’re partnering with a rapidly-growing, highly trusted 8-figure brand that’s defining the industry. Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the true innovators of this exploding Mega-Trend.
As we discover new advantages, you’ll get them too. We’ll handle all the backroom efforts, so you can stay focused on growing your profits and getting paid.
As more people than ever are shifting online, traffic and online sales are booming and the baseline has risen. Things are simply going to change.
Just as eCommerce is slowing down, eServices are picking up. The Asigo System gives you everything you need to deploy your very own eServices Dropshipping store... and finally be among the first to profit and gain a real foothold in something huge.
We aren’t short term thinkers here. By putting your own brand on an 8-figure eService and selling it through your eStore, you build an asset.
That asset doesn’t just let you stack & scale your monthly recurring profits, which you can do with even just 1-2 sales per month... it lets you build something you can sell for 2-5x your annual profits when the time comes... and we're even going to show you how!
You’re covered by our money-back guarantee for 60 days following your investment. Rest assured – or even ask around – our reputation is the best in the industry.
If you just stick to your 3-Task Daily Asigo Routine for those 60 days… and all that happens is you make ONE sale per month... it's enough to return on your investment many times over.
You can hit 5 figure profits from those two sales alone.
With over 50,000,000+ potential buyers for your eService and 90% profit margins… plus a proven funnel and the best training available anywhere… all that's left for you to do is show up and 'follow the plan'.
Then if on Day 59, Hour 23, Minute 59 you decide it’s not for you… you get your full investment refunded AND you can keep access to the training.
Look... life is different when you have $100,000+ in the bank and steady profits flowing your way each week.
"Fears & Worries" fade away – a sense of security and peace of mind sits there instead.
"Hopes & Dreams" turn into plans and excitement.
Things that once were just wishes – are all of a sudden practical and realistic.
You start making decisions you WANT to make, instead of decisions you HAVE to make.
Let’s get you there together.
(Most People Take This Option)
One payment today, and the remaining 3 payments made in 30 day intervals.
Thanks For Reading – We Look Forward To Celebrating Your First Asigo Sale, Together.